Equivalent potential temperature (600 mb) and 700-500 mb frontogenesis


This loop shows model forecasts of equivalent potential temperature (shaded) at 600 mb and 700-500 mb frontogenesis, on April 16th. The TROWAL appears as a tongue of high equivalent potential temperature, wrapping around the northwest side of the cyclone over central NY and eastern Pa. The maximum of mid-level frontogenesis appears to initially develop on the northwest edge of the TROWAL, then shifts directly over the TRWOAL by 18 UTC.

Switch images by moving your mouse pointer over the links below...

Mon 0000 UTC 16-Apr-2007

Mon 0600 UTC 16-Apr-2007

Mon 1200 UTC 16-Apr-2007

Mon 1800 UTC 16-Apr-2007

slide 14

Slide 14