
Subsequent runs of the NAM valid at December 16, 12z, indicated that the primary low would be stronger and farther north than earlier runs. Temperatures across northeast Pennsylvania and central NY also trended warmer.

Switch images by moving your mouse pointer over the links below...

0000 UTC Run 12/14/2007 valid Sun 1200 UTC 16-Dec-2007

0200 UTC Run 12/14/2007 valid Sun 1200 UTC 16-Dec-2007

0000 UTC Run 12/15/2007 valid Sun 1200 UTC 16-Dec-2007

1200 UTC Run 12/15/2007 valid Sun 1200 UTC 16-Dec-2007

0000 UTC Run 12/16/2007 valid Sun 1200 UTC 16-Dec-2007

slide 6

Slide 6