NAM reflectivity forecasts – December 5-6


Forecasts of reflectivity from the NAM, based on the 00z December 5th run, showed the development of the Georgian bay connection on the 5th, then the breakdown of the connection on the 6th. The breakdown was not forecast to become reestablished on the 7th.

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Valid Sun 1200 UTC 05-Dec-2010
Valid Sun 1800 UTC 05-Dec-2010
Valid Mon 0000 UTC 06-Dec-2010
Valid Mon 0600 UTC 06-Dec-2010
Valid Mon 1200 UTC 06-Dec-2010
Valid Mon 1800 UTC 06-Dec-2010
Valid Mon 0600 UTC 07-Dec-2010
Valid Mon 1200 UTC 07-Dec-2010
Valid Mon 1800 UTC 07-Dec-2010
Valid Tue 0000 UTC 08-Dec-2010
slide 11

Slide 11