Historical analogs


Historical analogs based on these forecast soundings are shown on this slide. The first event is an analog to the sounding valid at 09z, with the flow from 287 degrees. Note that the lake effect snow band for this analog is near the northern border of Onondaga county, just north of the thruway. The second event is an analog for 12z, with the flow from 289 degrees. The band is farther south, into the Syracuse area. The next event was an analog to 15z, with the flow from 294 degrees. The analog shows a significant snow band from just north Syracuse, across the Thruway through northern Onondaga county. Finally, the 4th event is an analog to 18z, with the mean flow from 296 degrees. This analog shows a weak, less organized band near to just south of Syracuse. All together, these analogs are indicating the potential for significant lake effect snow in and near Syracuse, with a tendency for the bands to shift slightly southward as the event progresses.

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