850-700 frontogenesis, 700-500 lapse rate and the Trowal


Frontogenesis developed on the southwest side of the trowal, as the trowal strengthened and developed westward from the western Atlantic toward upstate New York. Theta-e lapse rates of 1 degree C or less developed in the trowal over central New England between 00z and 06z on the 26th. Otherwise, lapse rates within the trowal were mainly 2 to 4 degrees C.

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Valid Thu 0600 UTC 25-Feb-2010
Valid Thu 1200 UTC 25-Feb-2010
Valid Thu 1800 UTC 25-Feb-2010
Valid Fri 0000 UTC 26-Feb-2010
Valid Fri 0600 UTC 26-Feb-2010
Valid Fri 1200 UTC 26-Feb-2010
slide 15

Slide 15