The January 6, 2005 Northeast Pennsylvania Ice Storm

Mike Evans

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    Index of Slides

    1. The January 6, 2005 Northeast Pennsylvania Ice Storm
    2. Outline
    3. 250 mb valid 1/5 18 UTC
    4. 250 mb valid 1/6 06 UTC
    5. 250 mb valid 1/6 18 UTC
    6. 500 mb valid 1/5 18 UTC
    7. 500 mb valid 1/6 06 UTC
    8. 500 mb valid 1/6 18 UTC
    9. 700 mb valid 1/5 18 UTC
    10. 700 mb valid 1/6 06 UTC
    11. 700 mb valid 1/6 18 UTC
    12. sea-level pressure valid 1/5 18 UTC
    13. sea-level pressure valid 1/6 06 UTC
    14. sea-level pressure valid 1/6 18 UTC
    15. Divergence cross-section
    16. 850 mb wind
    17. 850 mb wind
    18. AVP forecast sounding
    19. AVP forecast sounding
    20. AVP forecast sounding
    21. Precipitation type overview
    22. SREF 850 mb temperatures
    23. SREF 850 mb temperatures
    24. SREF 2 m temperatures
    25. SREF 2 m temperatures
    26. Frontogenesis Cross-section
    27. Wind plot
    28. Wind and temperature advection
    29. Summary of the 1/5/05 12 UTC Model Forecasts
    30. Radar mosaic 5/18 UTC
    31. Surface Plot 5/18 UTC
    32. Radar mosaic 6/00 UTC
    33. Surface Plot 6/00 UTC
    34. Radar mosaic 6/06 UTC
    35. Surface Plot 6/06 UTC
    36. Radar mosaic 6/12 UTC
    37. Surface Plot 6/12 UTC
    38. What Happened Through 06/12 UTC
    39. 250 mb valid 6/12 UTC
    40. 250 mb valid 6/18 UTC
    41. 500 mb valid 6/12 UTC
    42. 500 mb valid 6/18 UTC
    43. 700 mb valid 6/12 UTC
    44. 700 mb valid 6/18 UTC
    45. sea-level pressure valid 6/12 UTC
    46. sea-level pressure valid 6/18 UTC
    47. IAD RAOB 6/00 UTC
    48. IAD RAOB 6/12 UTC
    49. Banded precipitation diagnostic
    50. Banded precipitation diagnostic
    51. KBGM reflectivity 6/12 UTC
    52. KBGM reflectivity 6/18 UTC
    53. Wind plot 6/12 UTC
    54. Wind plot 6/15 UTC
    55. Wind plot 6/18 UTC
    56. Frontogenesis Cross-section
    57. Frontogenesis Cross-section
    58. Radar Mosaic 6/18 UTC
    59. Surface Plot 6/18 UTC
    60. Observed snowfall
    61. Ice accumulation map
    62. Summary and Conclusions
    63. Comparisons between this storm and major ice storms on 1/1/03 and 4/4/03.

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