The Melting Effect as a Factor in Precipitation Type Forecasting – WAF 2000

  • Cooling starts at the melting level then lowers toward the ground.

  • Can suppress the melting level 1 to 3 km below its initial elevation.

  • Temperatures typically fall to freezing, but do not fall below freezing.

  • Amount of melting is directly proportional to precipitation rate.

  • Produces isothermal layers when other temperature changing effects are weak.

  • Primary factor when other factors are weak (temperature advection, vertical motion, other diabatic effects).

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Since neither temperature advection or vertical motion seemed to be playing a large role in the cooling required to lower snow levels in these two cases, let's consider the effect of cooling due to melting. Cooling due to melting can play a significant role in reducing temperatures when the effects of temperature advection and vertical motion are weak.

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