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500-300 mb Div Q and 850-700 mb frontogenesis (February 13, 18 UTC 00-24 hr NAM forecast)


The relationship between lower-to-mid level frontal forcing for upward vertical motion, and forcing due to the motion of the upper-level wave can also be implied by viewing the data on this loop. 850-700 mb frontogenesis is indicated by shading, while 500-300 mb Q vector divergence is indicated by the green contours. Frontogenesis developed across the area during the early morning on the 14th. The frontogenesis intensified and became juxtaposed with significant upper-level Q-vector convergence (upper-level forcing for upward vertical motion) during the afternoon the 14th. Recall that the heaviest bands of snow occurred during the afternoon on the 14th.

loop 500-300 mb Div Q and 850-700 mb frontogenesis