300 mb Jet and 500 mb Vorticity Analyses, late in the day on June 2nd
Upper-level jet analysis (a), from SPC archives, at 0000 UTC, 3 June. Black
contours are 300 mb streamlines, wind barbs are in blue, maximum wind speeds
(jet streaks) are color-filled, and areas of divergence are outlined in yellow.
At 2100 UTC, 2 June, (b) 500 mb height contours are solid black, vorticity isopleths are
dashed black, with actual vorticity values color-filled. In general, note the absence of
both upper-level divergence and short-wave support over the Northeastern U.S. during this period.

Slide 27
National Weather Service
Binghamton Weather Forecast Office
32 Dawes Drive
Johnson City, NY 13790
(607) 729-1597
Page last modified: June 26, 2007.